Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Working (Wo)Man Blues

I haven't posted in a while. I think I've been waiting to see if something noteworthy or exciting happened. And then, said exciting event would elicit its very own, "Hey! Look at this exciting thing that happened. Want to hear about it?" post. But, alas. That doesn't seem to be how my life works. I'm too tired when I get home from work at night to do anything but be lethargic and lazy. Work has been trying lately because I don't really respect my boss and yet have to find a way to work with him. I used to look forward to the days when he would be out on vacation but now I almost dread them because inevitably I'm going to uncover some mistake on his part or something that he has swept under the rug as no one else holds him accountable and I end up having to take care of it so it doesn't look as though the fault lies with me. No one monitors him so he can pretty much do what he wants. It's extremely frustrating given that I was raised with a pretty strong work ethic and when a customer calls me with a problem or an issue, I hate discovering it was due to something he did (or didn't) do and I'm left having to calm them down and clean up his messes. I don't get paid enough for that! I keep biding my time, knowing that his retirement is soon and I'm the logical person to step in and take over his responsibilities. Heaven knows I already do most of them.

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