Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Forgive me for being excited about this, but I don't have kids so when my dog makes me happy, it's a big deal. I met a couple friends for dinner tonight and decided to leave Abby out of her kennel, free to roam the apartment. I've been slowly experimenting with this, with the end goal of being able to leave her out whenever I have to leave her home instead of crating her for long periods of time. I feel like a terrible owner everytime I put her in. But such is city, apartment life. Anyway, this is the first time I've left her at night by herself and she didn't cause any damage! That I can see at least. When she first came home from the humane society there were some disastrous trials in which it was quickly determined she couldn't be trusted to be out. Now that she's older and 100% adapted to me and our home she seems better suited to staying home alone! As long as she doesn't start inviting her canine pals to come over and play when I'm at work we should be fine...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You are brave. Max is 8 months now and we still kennel him every time. He just decided three days ago to chew on furniture for the first time. Where did that come from?
It's a good thing they are so cute.
Good luck with letting Abby out. We might get brave some day.