Friday, February 12, 2010

I Think You're Wonderful

Last night my six-year-old nephew, Keaton, had his first-grade school program – Hearts and Hands. These school programs are entertaining in a way entirely unique to themselves. In fact, at one point, Brett – who is diabetic - leaned over to me and said he was going to have to take more insulin as there was so much sweetness going on. Where else does one hear songs with titles such as “Making Valentines”, “Love is the Magic Word” and “I Think You’re Wonderful”? The best song, though, was one called “A Different Beat” that basically taught there are many people on the street and each moves to a different beat and really that’s okay. While most of the songs had hand motions, this particular one had such gems as disco moves, hip rolls, shoulder shimmies and fist-pumping. The little girl on the riser behind Keaton left me with tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. She was so exuberant and so very into her dance moves and was obviously having SUCH a great time that I wish I had video of it to play when I could use a laugh.

So if you ever need to be reminded of how simple and fun life can be, find a grade-school program to attend. But preferably one in which you actually know one of the participants. Otherwise it might be a bit creepy.

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