Saturday, August 4, 2007

To Market, To Market

This morning, I got up nice and early (for me) and went with a friend to the Beaverton Farmer's Market. It had been months and months since I'd been. I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy wandering up and down the aisles admiring the produce and marvelling at the beauties found in the flower stalls. Need berries? We've got 'em. Lettuce? Comin' right up. And let's not overlook the peaches and plums and hazelnuts and beets and beans and onions and squash and corn and all the other things I can't call to
mind. There were even stalls selling halibut and salmon that had been caught just hours before.

And the flowers! I saw the most beautiful dahlias I think I've ever seen today. They were simply amazing in their perfection. I'm a very tactile browser - honestly incapable of looking at plants without reaching out and feeling the leaves and the flowers. Fortunately, the stall keepers don't seem to mind!


Amanda said...

just checking

Amanda said...

Oh, goodie. I tried to comment yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. I had typed this beautiful and interesting response and then I got booted, so here we go again.
Beautiful pictures of the dahlias. They are one of my favorite flower.
We have a farmer's market here in Madison around the Capitol Building. It is super fun. The first time I went was when my mom was in town. We went and after about 20 minutes of walking around getting frustrated looks from people and many jabs in the side, we realized that there is an official, yet unspoken direction to the farmer's market. You must walk counter-clockwise around the square. Ooops! We both enjoy making occasional waves. I am just glad I got my fresh baked cookie and some herbs! Happiness is!

Jen said...

I don't know why I haven't ever grown dahlias. There's a nursery just down the street from me. I should go in and see if it's too late in the season.

Amanda said...

Let me know what you find out!